e-Learning course: Medical Device Regulation Training Course

A foundation course designed to walk the participants through the key elements and main changes in the Medical Device Regulation vs. Medical Device Directive.

E-Learning is the most flexible way of learning.

You decide when and where you log in, at the office, at home or for example while traveling.


A foundation course designed to walk the participants through the key elements and main changes in the Medical Device Regulation EU 2017/745 compared to the Medical Device Directive.

Depending on an average duration time, this total e-learning part of the course will take you approximately 8 hours.

In English.


  • Understand the intent of the MDR and its requirements
  • Identify the key changes compared to the MDD
  • Define the scope of the regulation and its impact
  • Learn on the interpretation of the new requirements.
Additional Course benefits:

Access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide

Gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.


Participants must have complete knowledge of the MDD (medical device regulation); the relevant harmonized standards and common specifications; and the MEDDEVs – the guidance documents written by the Competent Authorities.


Auditors, consultants, healthcare professionals, people responsible for regulatory compliance, quality management, clinical evaluation or risk management related to medical devices.

E-Learning is the most flexible way of learning.

You decide when and where you log in, at the office, at home or for example while traveling.


A foundation course designed to walk the participants through the key elements and main changes in the Medical Device Regulation EU 2017/745 compared to the Medical Device Directive.

Depending on an average duration time, this total e-learning part of the course will take you approximately 8 hours.

In English.


  • Understand the intent of the MDR and its requirements
  • Identify the key changes compared to the MDD
  • Define the scope of the regulation and its impact
  • Learn on the interpretation of the new requirements.
Additional Course benefits:

Access to course material augmented with exclusive insights from big data analytics based on our database of millions of audit findings worldwide

Gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learnings as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.


Participants must have complete knowledge of the MDD (medical device regulation); the relevant harmonized standards and common specifications; and the MEDDEVs – the guidance documents written by the Competent Authorities.


Auditors, consultants, healthcare professionals, people responsible for regulatory compliance, quality management, clinical evaluation or risk management related to medical devices.

Johtamisjärjestelmien koulutus


Koulutusmenetelmät ja hyödyt

DNV:n koulutuksessa yhdistyvät auditoijien asiantuntemus, tietojen analysointi ja LMS-järjestelmän (Learning Management System) käyttömahdollisuus.


Auto- ja ilmailuala koulutus

Laadun ja turvallisuuden varmistaminen toimitusketjun kaikissa osissa on elintärkeää auto- ja ilmailu- ja avaruusteollisuudelle.



Elintarviketeollisuus pyrkii vastaamaan kansainvälisten kuluttajien vaatimuksiin ja avaamaan uusia markkinamahdollisuuksia.


Tietoturvan ja IT-palvelunhallinnan koulutus

Tieto on jokaiselle yritykselle elintärkeä voimavara, mutta siihen liittyy myös erityisvelvoitteita.


Laadun ja suorituskyvyn koulutus

Tehokas laadunhallintajärjestelmä voi parantaa yrityksesi laatuprosesseja sekä yleistä suorituskykyä ja menestystä.


Riskienhallinta- ja liiketoiminnan jatkuvuuskoulutus

Riskienhallinnan tarkoituksena ei ole poistaa riskiä, vaan ymmärtää se niin, että voit hyödyntää myönteisiä vaikutuksia ja minimoida kielteiset vaikutukset.


Sosiaalisen vastuun koulutus

Ihmisoikeuksien turvaamiseen ja eettisesti vastuulliseen toimintaan sitoutumisen varmistaminen on olennaisen tärkeää eettisten käytäntöjen juurruttamiseksi ja kestävän yrityskulttuurin edistämiseksi.