Energy transition Energy transition The energy transition is a source of great risk and great opportunity. Here is a selection of our research-backed insights on key developments.
Tesla’s Battery Day and the energy transitionWill Tesla’s ‘Battery Day’ announcements accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy, according to our Energy Transition Outlook to 2050?
Power and renewablesData analytics in the electricity sectorData analytics has already changed several industries and the power sector is next. Whilst there are many positive impacts currently being realized from data analytics, with more to come, there are also challenges to be overcome.
Other sectorsISO 14001:n päivitysluonnos julkaistuISO 14001 -standardin odotettu päivitysluonnos on julkaistu. Lue lisää.
Other sectorsISO julkaisee ensimmäisen innovaatiojohtamisjärjestelmän standardinsaISO 56001 -standardi tarjoaa jäsennellyn lähestymistavan innovointiin ja auttaa organisaatioita hallitsemaan riskejä.
EnergyDNV announces a voluntary recommended public cash tender offer for cyber security services company NixuDNV and Nixu entered into a combination agreement pursuant to which DNV will make the tender offer.
CorporateKatsaus energiamurrokseen: Energiakriisi vahvistaa lyhyellä aikavälillä kahden nopeuden siirtymää kohti hiilineutraaliutta