e-Learning course: FSSC 22000 ver 6 Implementor Training course

This course is intended to provide detailed explanations of the FSSC 22000 version 6 requirements.

This course is intended to provide detailed explanations of the FSSC 22000 version 6 requirements as well as the reasons these requirements are beneficial for organizations.

After this course, delegates should be able to link FSSC 22000 version 6 requirements and their impact on their organizations’ performance and ability to achieve intended objectives. 

Duration: 4 hours.

This course is designed for you to:

  • Consolidate what you learned with a themed checklist and the key concepts learned in the class
  • Get an actionable tool to quickly implement and practice what you learned and act upon the learnings 
  • Get a quick auto-feedback on the effectiveness of what learned.


At the successful completion of the course, you will be able to understand:

  • The requirements of FSSC 22000 version 6
  • The usage of the requirements specified in the FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
  • ISO High-level structure applied in the ISO 22000 standard. 
  • Key definitions & concepts used in Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)
  • PDCA cycle in continual improvement 
  • Structure of FSSC 22000 including Pre-requisites Program (PRPs) and additional requirements.


Anyone who is engaged in designing, managing and or implementing a food safety management system. 

Food Safety officers, Food Safety Team Leaders, Consultants, Food Safety Implementation Teams, Quality Managers and Business Executives with a desire to learn about the Food Safety Management System.

Additional Course benefits

Gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learning as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.

This course is intended to provide detailed explanations of the FSSC 22000 version 6 requirements as well as the reasons these requirements are beneficial for organizations.

After this course, delegates should be able to link FSSC 22000 version 6 requirements and their impact on their organizations’ performance and ability to achieve intended objectives. 

Duration: 4 hours.

This course is designed for you to:

  • Consolidate what you learned with a themed checklist and the key concepts learned in the class
  • Get an actionable tool to quickly implement and practice what you learned and act upon the learnings 
  • Get a quick auto-feedback on the effectiveness of what learned.


At the successful completion of the course, you will be able to understand:

  • The requirements of FSSC 22000 version 6
  • The usage of the requirements specified in the FSSC 22000 Food Safety Management System (FSMS)
  • ISO High-level structure applied in the ISO 22000 standard. 
  • Key definitions & concepts used in Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS)
  • PDCA cycle in continual improvement 
  • Structure of FSSC 22000 including Pre-requisites Program (PRPs) and additional requirements.


Anyone who is engaged in designing, managing and or implementing a food safety management system. 

Food Safety officers, Food Safety Team Leaders, Consultants, Food Safety Implementation Teams, Quality Managers and Business Executives with a desire to learn about the Food Safety Management System.

Additional Course benefits

Gain free access to our online self-assessment tool where you can quickly implement and practice learning as well as to measure your company performance against specific management system standards.

Johtamisjärjestelmien koulutus


Koulutusmenetelmät ja hyödyt

DNV:n koulutuksessa yhdistyvät auditoijien asiantuntemus, tietojen analysointi ja LMS-järjestelmän (Learning Management System) käyttömahdollisuus.


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