Feature articles from DNV Feature articles from DNV Feature articles from DNV The data scientists trying to unlock our medical future Hackathon: Precision medicine needs experts in Raspberry Pi Utility-scale solar PV: powering the growth of 'big solar' How will economies of scale halve the cost of solar photovoltaic by 2050, and what does this mean for the energy transition? CCS needs to start with a bang, not a whimper Realizing Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies globally Treating data as assets - A prerequisite for success in a data-driven future Energy Efficiency - the defining feature of the energy transition Saving lives in unpredictable times Data-led solutions for managing disaster risk Aquaculture Going Offshore Seizing the opportunity, managing the risk Is peak energy coming soon? Yes, but it depends how you count energy: DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook researchers explain Global Opportunity Report 2018 A world at risk; a world of opportunity Ethical hacking The white hats in DNV cyber security services Rethinking performance assessments for business Why Measuring Tomorrow’s Value needs a New Valuation Framework Brave, bold and novel Insight from the launch panel for DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook 2017 Rethinking rogue waves Towards better modelling, insight and action Standards for change? Why we should consider climate change adaptation standards as part of the governance toolkit. Digital Twins at Work Tackling real world costs and safety challenges with virtual tools in the maritime and energy industries. Mining the Gap Global Opportunity Report 2017 The sustainable development goals and business Target-setting, collaboration and inspiration. Trust: The ultimate competitive advantage In the life sciences market, trust is emerging as a key differentiator. Subscribe to feature articles Subscribe